Friday, September 2, 2011

For the Record

I actually had this course in the fall of 2007. Seems like the same shit, though.  ;  )  Sharpless is a character.


Department of History
Fall, 2004
The History of the United States, 1620-1865

Professor John Sharpless 4110 Mosse Humanities Building

The intent of History 101 is to provide an overview of economic, political and social trends from early European discovery and settlement (1620) to the American Civil War (1865). Naturally, the course will draw heavily on other social science disciplines (economics, political science and sociology) for much of its material. However, we will attempt to chart ecological, cultural and artistic trends as well.

Attendance at both lectures and discussion section is required. To “test” for attendance at lectures, there will be occasional surprise quizzes. Although the points allotted to the lecture quizzes are few, they could make the difference at the end of the course. Discussion points will be awarded to students who attend discussion sections regularly. There will also be occasional short assignments to encourage reading and discussion on a weekly basis.

There will be an “in class” mid-term examination and a “take-home” essay examination, in addition to the final examination. The contribution of each component of the course will be weighted roughly by the following percentages:
Discussion Section Points 23%
Lecture Quizzes 2%
Mid-term Exam (in class) 25%
Take-Home Essay Problem 25%
Final Examination 25%

Students are warned that the reading requirements for the course are considerable.
In addition to the books on order at the bookstores, there will be photocopied materials
and/or some reserve readings (some of these reading may be “down-loaded” from the library server).
The books listed below may be purchased at the University Bookstore, the Underground Textbook Exchange or “on line” at various web vendors. They are also on reserve at H.C. White Reserve Room.
Required Reading:

David E. Shi, George B. Tindall, America: A Narrative History (Vol. 1) W.W. Norton & Company; 5th edition (January, 1999) ISBN: 0393973492 Paperback

Benjamin Franklin, The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (Dover Thrift Edition) Dover Pubns; (July 1996) ISBN: 0486290735 Paperback

Joseph Martin (Thomas Fleming, ed.), A Narrative of a Revolutionary Soldier: Some of the Adventures, Dangers, and Sufferings of Joseph Plumb Martin Signet Classic ( 2001) ISBN: 0451528115 Paperback

Gunthur Barth (ed.), The Lewis and Clark Expedition: Selections from the Journals, Arranged by Topic Bedford/St. Martin's; (June, 1998) ISBN: 0312111185 Paperback

Alexis De Tocqueville, (Richard D. Heffner, ed) Democracy in America (September 2001) Signet Classic; (September, 2001) ISBN: 0451528123 Paperback

Roger F. Nichols, Black Hawk and the Warrior's Path Harlan Davidson, American Biographical History Series (December 1992) ISBN: 0882958844 Paperback

Frederick Douglass (David Blight, ed.), Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass an American Slave Bedford/St. Martin's; 2nd edition (December 2002) ISBN: 0312257376 Paperback

Recommended Readings:
[It is unnecessary to buy these books unless you are particularly interested in a special topic or period of history. With the exception of the “constitution book,” I have not asked the book stores to order these books. They are on reserve at H. C. White Library.]

Ray Raphael, A People's History of the American Revolution: How Common People Shaped the Fight for Independence New Press; (April 2001) ISBN: 1565846532 Paperback

Robert F. Tedeschi, Jr, The U.S. Constitution & Fascinating Facts About It Oak Hill Pub (1996) ISBN: 188147321X Paperback

Harry Watson, Liberty and Power: The Politics of Jacksonian America Noonday Press; (February 1990) ISBN: 0374521964 Paperback

David Potter, Impending Crisis Perennial Press; (April 1977) ISBN: 0061319295 Paperback

Unfortunately, it appears necessary to comment on plagiarism and cheating. Obviously, it is expected that examinations and assignments will reflect your own original efforts. We do not discourage studying together; however, in the final analysis your essays, assignments and answers to the questions on the examinations must represent your ideas and be written in your own words.

If it is shown that your work in the course does not represent your own efforts, the consequences can be serious. Cheating could cost you your college career or, at the very least, it could mean an “F” in this course. But equally important, even if you are not caught, cheating is a sign of a serious lack of respect for the people teaching the class, your fellow students and yourself.
Enough said. If you make a sincere effort to meet the demands of the course, we will make a sincere effort to help you pass the course. Cheating is quite unnecessary.

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