Sunday, March 27, 2011

Good Show

Went and saw Henry Rollins tonight doing his "spoken word show."

It's a different kind of show.  He walks up on stage, black short sleeve shirt, black pants, black comfortable shoes and a microphone.  Not even a water bottle.  Just starts talking, semi-stream of consciousness and doesn't stop until he's finished, two and a half hours later, pausing only to inhale. 

It's hard to describe his "shtick," hence the term "spoken word show."  What the hell to call it?  It's one part rant, one part travelogue, one part stand-up; mostly just like a conversation with him doing all the talking.

Tonight he talked about his days as front man for Black Flag, living in L.A., going to Costco, needing attention, traveling in Asia (Beijing, Pyongyang, Tibet, and Hanoi, this time) and being raised by inattentive parents.  He recommends going to Egypt, if possible.  The pyramids are bigger than you think, the Sphinx smaller.

Go see him if you get a chance!


  1. Henry Rollins is particularly good at ranting. Sounds like a good show.

  2. I have never seen his shows other than with the Henry Rollins Band. I'm gonna try to look him up on youtube.

  3. He doesn't "rant" as much as he used to, Whit. Maybe he's mellowing (he's 50 now).

  4. I've seen him three or four times now, Bryan, but never with his band. Guess those days are gone.

  5. Never heard or seen him. The show format reminds me of Spaulding Grey. He used to do a similar thing, and was usually pretty interesting.

  6. That's about it, Skinny Guy. I don't know what it is, he's just very engaging.

  7. So I wait in the wilderness for him to visit, Kansas, oh so far.

  8. Kansas City, KS, on April 2nd. Can you make it?
