Sunday, February 16, 2014

Latest Letter, Sent Just Now

Sunday's guest column, 'Madison, Respect Freedom of Speech' misses the mark.  The writer calls for greater respect for his rights to speak 'freely,' in defense of his group's 'right' to ignore the privacy rights of others.  While it's true that the Constitution protects our right to speak freely it does not grant any right to make someone else listen, as the Court has clearly stated.

The 'pro-life' message is out there, we get it.  You think abortion is 'murder.'  Well the Court has ruled on this too.  If you still want to try to reduce/eliminate abortions you have that right.  But like all rights it is limited by your responsibility to respect the rights of others.  Working to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies (pretty much the only kind that leads a woman to seek an abortion) would be much more effective and would be much less likely to clash with anyone else's rights.  Think about it.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great, hope it's published. What the US needs is a real pro-natal policy. What we have now is below many 3rd world states, higher infant mortality, low birth rate, poorly cared for babies. We need time off to prepare, and after birth to care, with pay, like all other industralized countries. Women need advice, check ups, in some cases training on how to care for and keep babies safe and healthy. All we have now is anti-abortion and raise it yourself slut policy.

  3. The more I consider the state of current affairs the more I think we're going to have to embrace a bit of mild 'socialism.' We already do, actually, when you think about SSI and Medicare. Public Schools. State and National Parks.

    We need to increase and strengthen the 'floor,' so everybody eats and gets some kind of medical care. Tax 'prebates' or something. Then menial labor can pay shitty wages since even the lowliest workers have some basic security. Think it'll ever happen?

  4. Women seeking an abortion report that they felt that "had no choice," sidewalk counselors are there to provide information about free services and support so that the woman can make an informed choice at a moment when they feel pressured into one course of action.

    Abortionists know this. They are selling abortions and do not want their customers to have access to information about other options and local free resources because women, when given a real choice, choose to have their children.

    1. Sounds like (you figure) you have it all figured out.

      They are being told they have to back off, a little, and respect the rights of others. Something that they shouldn't really need to be told, but hey, extremists seldom think of anyone else's rights.

      If their message is so compelling it will still be so from eight feet away.

  5. Not sure what's in this guest column your talking about. Was the writer defending his right to block entry to an abotion clinic or something like that?

    1. Something like.
